**Aligned Ergonomic Assessment**

 If you're like a lot of my clients, you've struggled trying to ignore the tightness and pain you get in your neck, shoulders, or back while you’re working.  

You try to ignore the pain, put it out of your mind, and 'push yourself' to get your work done.

But what you probably found out, is that this tactic doesn’t last very long.

The aching shoulders, tightness in your back, and the burning in your neck are all telling you something.  And when you don't listen, you body starts to talk louder.

And your body keeps talking until you can’t ignore it anymore.

It actually makes it harder to concentrate on your work.  

You shift and squirm, trying to find a position that'll just get you through the next hour.

But it’s just getting you more and more frustrated because you can’t think of anything but the burning in your muscles.

AND that’s getting you STRESSED!

Because it's taking longer and longer to get your work done.  Which means more and more time in these awkward, painful positions.

You might have even tried a little Ergo Shopping.  A chair, a keyboard, a new mouse....

but I'm guessing you've found out the truth.  

Putting new tires on a car that's out of alignment isn’t going to fix the real problem.  And it’s a waste of money.  You're going to burn through one ergonomic device after another looking for a solution by treating a symptom, instead of solving the problem.

What needs help is your body. 

And that’s exactly why we developed the Aligned Ergo Assessment.

This Signature One-on-One Service provides the best ergonomic strategies based on your specific needs because it’s based on the Foundational Ergonomic Framework: the 3 Principles essential to ergonomic assessments so you achieve lasting relief from those sore, tired, and aching muscles.

Unlike most ergonomic assessments, The Aligned Ergonomic Assessment designs the ergonomic strategy that’s right for you.  Because we don’t just evaluate your office, we evaluate you. 

It’s the connection between your office, your equipment, and YOU - the worker - that provides all 3 pieces needed for a complete ergonomic strategy.

Evaluating you let's us define your Body Biomechanics – how you move, your set-point posture, your unique movement patterns.  And this data is what provides the ability to correct and connect so your evaluation can give you the tools needed to resolve the tightness, pain, and energy drain that’s happening in your office.

Your Body’s giving you clues that it needs help.  But you might now know exactly what it’s saying – or you’ve been trying to ignore the signals and just persevere and deal with the pain.

But you know that the pain isn’t going away.  And ignoring those signals can lead to serious consequences with repetitive strain injuries, tendonitis, bursitis, and long standing chronic conditions.

What Your Body Needs is Better Biomechanics.  

That's a fancy way of saying your body needs to sit, stand, and move in a way that best for each component of your body - your neck, shoulders, back, hips, all of you!

What happens, over time, and we're usually not even aware of when it starts, is your body starts to compensate.  

The body starts to change from the best way to move, using proper biomechanics, to a way that still gets things done, but at a cost.

This may be due to an illness or injury, improper healing after an accident, or anything that stressed the body and it had to start to compensate.  The body started to use non-injured muscles to try and help the ones that were trying to heal.

And our brain is smart.  It decided that it should keep on letting you move this way - saving those injured muscles and making things easier.

But at a cost.

When you don't challenge an injured muscle, or ligament, or tendon, with rehabilitation and movement therapy, the compensations never get resolved.

This is how your biomechanics get off track.

And it may not be until you push your body - sitting too long at your desk, leaning over your laptop, staring at a screen for too long during a Zoom Call, that you start to notice the problems that poor biomechanics is causing and your body’s inability to handle these stresses.

One of the questions I get asked all the time is:

"But why now?  I was fine last week (last month, last year...)"

And the answer is simple.

Your body has a breaking point.  Just like your car, just like your laptop.  It goes and goes and goes, until it doesn't.

And a keen eye can pinpoint those changes - like your mechanic, your Computer Geek, and me.

As a Registered Kinesiologist, Movement Specialist, providing Ergonomic and Biomechanic Strategies to happy clients for over 25 years, I know how to listen to bodies and how to solve their problems.  And it starts with creating better biomechanics.

That's where you always start and it's what makes all the difference in providing a solution to your problem instead of a band-aid for your symptoms.  

Because SOLVING your problem means we start with you. 

Then connecting you with your office and the correct equipment completes the assessment.  This includes ensuring that your office supports your body and allows you to be productive WITHOUT pain.

You might be thinking that an expensive chair or a sit-stand desk will do the trick - it’ll be quicker to just buy a device, won’t it?

Well let me ask you something. 

If your feet were sore, and getting more and tight and tired. Your toes were starting to cramp and each step you took was painful. 

Would you want to figure out what was wrong with your feet or just buy a new pair of shoes?

Even if the shoes were expensive, and soft, and made of the best fabric, how can they ever correct your foot problem? 

They won’t. 

They’ll just mask your issues and for a little bit of time by creating a little bit of a cushion for your feet as they step.

But when that cushioning wears out, you’re back to square one.  And worse - because you've waited even longer to get to the root cause of your body's issues.

You’ve only got one body, and it’s worth taking care of it.

We all need a tune-up once in a while to get us back to our best potential.

That's what Aligned Ergonomics gives you.

Not only decreasing pain and improving productivity, but reducing the risk of long term injuries, repetitive strains, and lengthy time off work or in treatment for strains, tears, and possible surgery.

If you have a question, need a specific answer before we start, or to setup a Live Call to chat, complete the Application Form located in the Module.


If you already know your body needs to feel better NOW, click the button and let's start.

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